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Tunstall Steam Products - Tunstall Steam Capsules

          We offer a number of Tunstall Steam Capsules to meet all of your thermostatic needs. If you are not sure which Tunstall Steam Capsule you need, give us a call and we'll be glad to help you with any questions you may have.

          More information about Tunstall Capsules can be found at the Official Tunstall Website. Below is a conversion chart provided by the the good folks at Tunstall, inc.

Tunstall Steam Capsules
Armstrong Milwaukee (Milvaco)
Barnes & Jones Monash-Younker
Bishop, Babcock & Becker Nafco
Braukmann National Pump - American Steam
Cashin/Thermoflex Nicholson
Dunham-Bush Sarco
Erwel Thermostatic Traps Sterling
Hoffman Trane
Illinois Tunstall
Marsh Warren Webster
Many other manufacturers available - Please consult us for more information.